Broadmeadows Primary School

Council of Educational Facilities Planners International (CEFPI) Victorian Chapter Awards 2010:
New School Construction – Entire New School – Winner
Victorian School Design Awards 2010: Best Primary School – Finalist

The planning and design of the Broadmeadows Primary School was an opportunity to fulfil the school’s pedagogical aspirations. The learning spaces are therefore varied in scale, layout and flexibility, flowing from one to another and eliminating the need for passageways. Mezzanines offer intimate alternative teaching spaces, while areas below the mezzanines also create defined spaces that are further delineated by changes in carpet colours to reflect the shapes above. Permeable teacher stations located throughout the buildings enhance communication between staff and students. A variety of outdoor learning areas linked to internal spaces allow indoor wet area project work to flow outdoors. Areas between buildings are covered with translucent roofing to create well-lit yet protected courtyards.

The school demonstrates a philosophy of ecologically sustainable design throughout the site. Passive building design elements, on-site water management such as storm water collection and reuse, a wetland water filtration system, energy collection and measurement with a wind turbine and solar array, encourage the students to use their built environment as a learning tool.