Echuca Twin Rivers School – Stage 2

Victorian School Design Awards 2021: Best Project Above $10 Million – Finalist

On the western plains of Yorta Yorta country, Echuca Twin Rivers School, Stage 2 completes the integration of three former schools onto a single site, forming a unique partnership between special developmental and primary education communities. Extensive community consultation and consistent refinement of design elements result in a school environment which responds directly to its clients’ needs. By mirroring the building forms of the Stage 1 construction and applying consistency between material palettes, the Stage 2 development seamlessly assimilates with the existing built environment.

Construction comprises the addition of specialist student general learning areas, a community gymnasium and arts centre, a VCAL applied learning centre, landscaped gardens, orchard, irrigated sports oval, cycling circuit, extensive play areas, additional staff carparking and on-site bus access. All specialist student learning spaces ensure experiential learning can be successfully achieved. Each studio is complemented by a smaller retreat, communal kitchen and collaboration space, and bathroom to enhance living skills and self-care. Throughout the school, interiors are designed to elicit a soothing, sensory experience. Acoustic treatments have been carefully selected for wall, floor, and ceiling surfaces to ensure background noise does not unnecessarily affect student learning. In addition, classrooms are installed with Soundfield technology to enable voice augmentation and improve student comprehension.

Complementing the general learning areas are a competition-sized gymnasium with community kitchen, outdoor barbecue, and flexible performance stage that enhances the central courtyard and lends itself to large community gatherings.